PC Reservation Software

PC Reservation is the software we use to manage the public use computers. While patrons are able to come in and directly log into the computers without stopping at the circulation desk, we use PC Reservation to print out guest passes for those who do not have a library card, to make reservations for patrons to use the computers (in the instance that all stations are occupied) and to add “extra time” to a PC workstation if a patron needs it. Below you will find the procedures for these tasks.

Printing a Guest Pass

  1. To issue a guest pass, ask for a photo ID IF individual is an adult. Minors may have a guest pass with no ID. Indicate to them which computers they should use based on age (i.e. children’s area or young adult)
  2. Check name from ID in TLC, and determine if the individual
    1. has a card
      1. if they do, check if card is in good standing. If it is not (i.e. fines, collections status, etc.) do NOT issue a guest pass. Individual must resolve issue to use computers. If card is in good standing, you may issue a pass.
      2. if they do not, issue a guest pass following steps below
  3. Open the PC Reservation Software.
  4. At the top of the screen, choose “Guest Pass”
  5. Choose number of guest passes to print (be sure to check ID for each)
  6. Click print
  7. Guest passes will print on receipt printer.

Making a Reservation

  1. Select “Make Reservation” from PC Reservation toolbar
  2. Popup window (see screenshot below) will appear
  3. Scan valid library card
    1. If library card has already been used to log into computers and time is up for the day, you may have to select the “Override Session Length” box.
  4. Make selections for specific computer or future reservation time, if necessary
  5. Click “Make Reservation”
  6. “Reservation Information” window will appear (see screenshot below)
  7. Select “Accept Reservation.”
  8. Direct patron to chosen computer at selected time, have them log in with their account number and pin.

View PC Status & Extend Computer Time

  1. To View PC Status, select that choice from the PC Reservation Toolbar.
  2. A window will appear listing all the computers in the system, which are in use, and which are in extra time (see screenshot below).