Lost and Missing Items

Note: Below are the different categories for Lost or Missing items

Types of LOST statuses
Lost:Automated Long Overdue (means overdue for 39 days)
Lost (checked in using Special Status check-in when patron has lost the item and wants to pay for it)
Claims Not Checked Out (checked in using Special Status check-in when patron claimed s(he) never checked out the item)
Claims Returned (checked in using Special Status check-in when patron claimed item was returned)
Lost: Staff Action (checked in using Special Status)
Types of MISSING statuses
Missing: Staff Action
On Display
Missing In Transit
At Bindery
Staff Use
REPAIR (Books)
Backup Copy


To check-in an item as LOST when it is on a patron’s record

  1. Be in the patron’s record
  2. Highlight the item by clicking on the box to the left of the item
  3. At the bottom, click the second drop down box and choose appropriate choice from Mark Lost, Mark Claims Returned, or Mark Claims Not Checked Out
  4. Click OK

To check an item in as MISSING when it cannot be found on your shelves

  1. Go to the Check In Items (F3) screen (see screen shot below)
  2. Click this item under Special Status
  3. Type in barcode or title of item – if multiple copies of that item, be careful to choose the correct one
  4. Click OK
  5. Select the correct option – Missing: Staff Action
  6. Click OK

Fine Policy For Previously “LOST” Library Materials

Please see the Fines and Fees page