Timeline for Overdue Materials

3 days before item is due At 12AM a computer generated email notice is sent to patron (if patron has email
address on record.)
3 days before
1 week overdue First overdue email notice is sent by automated system 7 days
2 weeks overdue Second overdue email notice is sent by automated system 14 days
Approx two weeks overdue On Monday, a Borrower with Overdue Items by Responsible Party report is emailed to each library. Each individual library calls patrons on their respective reports to inquire about overdues. 11-17 days
3 weeks overdue Third overdue email notice is sent by automated system 21 days
4 weeks overdue A final notice email is sent by County Circulation Supervisor 28 days
Approx four weeks overdue,
on Mondays
Circulation supervisor at County (Elizabeth)
calls and sends Final Notice letters (FN) to
all patrons who have not addressed
overdue items.
25-30 days
39 days overdue Overdue items automatically turn to LOST due to Long Overdue Status by an automated system. This charges each item’s replacement cost, processing fee, and overdue fines to the patron’s record. 39 days
Approx. 2 months overdue County circulation supervisor (Elizabeth) mails a final collections notice (FCOL) informing patrons that they will be sent to a collections agency in approximately 30 days if balances over $75.00 are not resolved. 60 days
Approx. 3 months overdue Patrons who have not addressed balances over $30.00 are sumitted to the collections agency by County
Circulation Supervisor. This action puts a CA block on the account, and adds an additional $10.00 Collections Agency fee to the account balance.
90 days